Your Favorite Camps

If you would like us to bring the USAI Cultural Exchange Program to your community, tell us what your favorite camps are! Email: First name: Last name: Camps you would like to recommend: Schools in your...

Referral Policy

If you refer us to other American families that participate in the USAI Cultural Exchange Program, USAI will donate $50 to the Not-for-Profit organization of your choice. Please note that these families maybe in your local vicinity or out-of-state. Email: First name:...


KPICASA_GALLERY(USAIAdventuresHabitatForHumanity, USAIDayCampHomeStay, USAISanDiego)

Leadership Program in Connecticut

By participating in this leadership program, students will have a full three weeks of community service combined with leadership workshops and seminars while at camp in CT and on the road in Pennsylvania or D.C. Students live, work, learn and play with American...